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Oil Pollution Prevention (SPCC Planning)

The professionals at W F Biggins Associates want to make sure your company is able to prevent an oil spill altogether or prepare for and respond appropriately if an oil spill does happen. The EPA’s oil spill prevention program includes the Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasure (SPCC) rule, which helps facilities prevent a discharge of oil into navigable waters or adjoining shorelines. This is where our team comes in.

To begin, we survey your facility to identify sources of stored oil and determine if you are above regulatory thresholds. This lets us determine the likelihood that an oil spill from your facility could reach the navigable waters of the United States.

Next, we help you develop an oil spill prevention, control, and countermeasures program, including the selection of any equipment that may be required. We will prepare and publish your written SPCC plan, including the stamp of our Registered Professional Engineer.

Finally, we train your pollution prevention team in the locations of oil storage at your facility, on possible spill scenarios, and in the provisions of your SPCC, including reporting requirements, all at your facility using interactive classroom techniques.

Oil Pollution Prevention (SPCC Planning)

Since 1985, we have made it our mission to ensure your team is safe and protected in times of crisis.

Call now to learn more!